Washington Campus Project
Now Open
New Year Update (January 2022)
We are OPEN!
We are transferring nine residents weekly from the Hillview campus to the Washington campus as well as accepting NEW residents!
The 3rd & 4th floors are full! We plan to begin filling the 2nd floor in February. By March the move will be complete!
Please keep our residents in your prayers as they move into their new home
Timeline & Progression of the Project
North Campus Project Announcement
Starting with our Strategic Planning Session of 2014, Missouri Slope identified the need to have more private rooms, better parking, and additional services that the community desperately needs such as Child Day Care. Our existing campus has been operating for 50+ years and is in need of many upgrades/updating to remain attractive and competitive for the next 50+ years. We want to “Re-Invent” the existing campus which would require major remodeling. Since our community has such full occupancy and increasing demand, we felt it would be unwise to temporarily take hundreds of beds out of service in order to achieve the extensive remodel. In order to achieve our dreams and keep services running in the community, we would need to build a second campus.
In 2017, Missouri Slope acquired an 18 acre property in North Bismarck known as the Good Shepherd North Addition. A 16,000 square foot building was erected on the property in 2005 by Good Shepherd Lutheran Church of Bismarck for use as a family and day care center. Changing economics forced the dismissal of Good Shepherd’s dream for their North Addition and they had to sell the property. Ten years later, the property was still looking for an owner to develop the property in a way that fits the neighborhood’s and greater community’s needs. Missouri Slope was able to connect with the City Planning and Zoning Commission, the City Council, and the neighbors of the property to discuss plans for a future healthcare campus. All parties were very receptive to the idea and wanted to see the process move forward.
In October, 2017, the Missouri Slope Governing Board and Leadership teams interviewed and selected the firms of Roers Construction and Pope Architects for the project. Early project milestones include the completion of a Market Analysis that shows an increasing demand for Senior Healthcare Services such as Skilled Nursing, Basic Care, Memory Care, Assisted Living, and Independent Living. We have also signed a contract to complete a feasibility study on our existing campus. We feel that both sites will be needed to meet the needs of our community and the planning should be done together.
Next steps for the project will be establishing a timeline to include stakeholder meetings with our employees, our residents/tenants, our corporate church members, the neighborhood, and other interested parties. We are in the process of running financial projections that will help us learn how much fundraising will be necessary for the project. We intend to update this site as new information is available. Please be sure to check back often and feel free to send us your questions, comments, and suggestions via the upcoming stakeholder meetings.
Finally, we ask you to consider us in your thoughts and prayers. Just as members of this community did over 50 years ago when Missouri Slope was created, we will need all the help we can get. This project is very much a call and testament to our mission of Enriching Life and meeting the needs of our community. God bless you!
Late 2021 Update
Activity continues this fall at our new Campus on North Washington. Kitchen equipment and appliances are in, office furniture that is available is in.
Living, bedroom and dining furniture is set up and being arranged. The work began on our outdoor therapy garden and is taking shape. It is going to provide a beautiful area for our residents to regain mobility skills and enjoy the sunshine.
We gave tours to our groups from nine member ECLA church congregations. Everyone was impressed with the design and work that Roers is
Good things are all coming together for a potential November move in date, provided all things fall into place.
Stay tuned for potential move in photo updates soon.
“For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God you may receive what is promised.” Hebrews 10:36

July/August 2021 Update
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord…….to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11
July was a busy month for us and Roers as we are getting closer to the completion of the building!
A few wings of the building are OFFICIALLY completed and final cleanup is happening. All kitchen equipment is also on-site and will be fully installed in the next couple of weeks. Also, our office furniture will be arriving soon and will also be installed when it arrives. The remaining exterior concrete will be poured and completed in the new few weeks. As always, painting, trimming, and drywall continue, but are in their last phases!
We loved showing some of the employees around our new digs prior to opening later this fall! We can’t wait until we are able to show it to the public!

APRIL/May 2021 Update
Only five more months until we are able to unveil our brand new facility to our community! The continued warm weather has allowed us to keep on track and the building is still scheduled to open this fall. We so look forward to the opportunity to finally share it with you all!
Here is a quick little update on the project:
- Siding is complete for the new addition
- The exterior of the old church is getting redone this month
- Casework, painted ceilings, and flooring for two of the wings will be complete by end of May
- Elevator installation will be completed by end of May
- Serving Kitchen equipment is scheduled to be delivered this week
- Mechanical/Electrical are trimming out the areas that are finished
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! – 2 Corinthians 5:17

MARCH 2021 Update
Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.Psalm 51:10-12
What would be spring without its energetic and refreshing breeze? We are riding that high into the spring season and the best way to show that is to show the updates of our North Campus! Take a look!
- Started redoing the exterior of the Town Centre, which will includes a new roof and bigger windows!
- Wood doors have delivered and started install
- Drywall, painting, and casework is done for half the project
- Framing in existing building has started
- Mechanical/Electrical are installing fixtures
- Fireproofing has been completed for the entire building!
- The Chapel’s drywall is in progress
Let’s enjoy this season of birth, renewal, and growth. God Bless!

FEBRUARY 2021 Update
“Spring adds new life and new beauty to all that is.” – Jessica Harrelson
What says spring more than new beginnings? With the warmer weather starting, we sure love seeing our new campus continue to bloom!
Take a look on what has all happened in the month of February!
- Painting and ceiling grid is almost completed
- Flooring in the residents’ rooms having started and is progressing
- Redi frames and wood doors are schedule to deliver mid March
- Wall framing is completed in multiple wings, and is on to the next ones
- Exterior masonry is completed
Can’t wait to see all the bounties that spring brings!
God Bless you all during this period of growth and renewal!
JANUARY 2021 Update
Wow, what a month! With the start of a new year, it also brings new excitement with the continued building of the North Campus!
The construction team with Roers has been BUSY, BUSY, BUSY, with flooring, painting, sheetrocking, and framing actively going on.
Cabinets, casework, and doors installation has finally started making the new facility look more like an actual home for our future residents and staff!
The exterior siding is almost completed, with only two wings remaining.
How blessed are we to be on the receiving end of God’s continued offerings!
God Bless you all!
“We shape our buildings; thereafter, they shape us.” – Winston Churchill

DECEMBER 2020 Update
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. ~ John 3:16
As always, there are numerous updates on the North Campus project! Some of those exciting updates are:
- The entire roof was sealed off water tight
- The canopy roof was completed
- The last window on the project was installed
- The last two stair towers will be completed
And with any project, the endless painting, dry walling, and masonry continues!
As we reflect on this year, we can certainly come up with a long list of the trials and tribulations that we have all faced. At the same time, this year has shown us what our true priorities are, how resilient and steadfast we can be, and who we want to be as people moving forward.
While we may want to forget this year, let us not forget how this year has shaped us and bonded us together. May we always remember to love and care for one another going forward into the New Year.
God Bless You All & Have a lovely New Year!

NOVEMBER 2020 Update
For we are God’s fellow workers. You are God’s field, God’s building. ~ 1 Corinthians 3:9
Sheet rock is going up and framing is continuously ongoing. Painting will begin in the wings in the next few weeks and will continue throughout the month of December and January. The building will be totally enclosed by the first week of December!
The landscaping and asphalt work for this year is completed. Siding work continues and masonry work will be completed by the end of the year. So many things to be grateful for during this holiday season. God Bless you all!

September / October 2020 Update
The North Campus project continues to flourish and proceed on schedule. We are currently working on getting the asphalt down on the South and West Parking lot as weather allows. With winter upon us, we hope to have the building all enclosed with windows by mid-November so work can continue inside without being exposed to the cold weather. Temporary heat is on and we are working on the interior finishes. Sheet rocking and framing have started on the first west wing, and work on the exterior siding is still ongoing.
Please know that your continued thoughts and prayers are being felt. We are constantly surrounded by your love and can be secure in knowing that we will not only survive this difficult time, but thrive! God Bless!
For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control. ~2 Timothy 1:7
AUGUST 2020 Update
Three wings are up, one more to go! Our new Skilled Nursing Facility is designed as an “X”. We feel this design will allow us to provide the best, most efficient, and safe care to the residents of our community. During a recent walkthrough, we got the chance to set up some furniture in a future resident room. The amount of space and the views are remarkable! We are so blessed to be on this journey and thankful to all who have stepped up to help us by making some of the first donations to our Capital Campaign. We will be working with our Committee to reach out to the community and have conversations about how you can get involved. We have produced a number of campaign materials and an example is posted below. God bless you and thank you for all your prayers!

JULY 2020 Update
“From the rising of the sund to its setting, the name of the Lord is to be praised!” –Psalm 113:3
By the grace of God we can be happy with the progress being made on our project. The wonderful team at Roers and all the contractors have kept busy and are on schedule. The pandemic has caused some delay in our Capital Campaign agenda and we hope to be getting the new timelines out in the near future. Please continue to pray for all who live and work at Missouri Slope. God bless you!

JUNE 2020 Update
We have been abundantly blessed with God’s protection as we continue operating throughout the COVID pandemic. It has affected many of our partners in the healthcare industry and we continue to pray for the health and safety of all. Our team has been working tireless amounts of hours to provide for the needs of our residents and tenants. Governor Burgum declared June 23rd Silver Linings Day and it was a nice celebration of all who live and work in healthcare. We had several families help us parade around our Hillview Campus.
The COVID emergency has really brought to light the importance of infection prevention in healthcare. One way we can protect our residents is by having all private rooms. We committed to concept years ago as a way to give our residents the privacy and dignity the deserve. We are still on track to open in October 2021 and will need all the help we can get to bring all the features and amenities of the project to fruition. The Capital Campaign materials are published and posted to the bottom of this page. Please get in touch with us to find out how you can help. We invite you to invest in our community!

May 2020 Update
Our team continues to fire on all cylinders as we combat COVID-19 in our existing campus and help manage the careful construction of the North Campus Project. We have toured the resident rooms to assure that it is set up well and all features will be installed where needed to promote safety and efficiency. How wonderful these spaces will be: all private rooms with two large windows, private bathrooms, and overhead lifts in case an extra hand is needed.
The Capital Campaign is also ramping up with many new materials now developed with the help of our media partner: KKBold. Please feel free to check in with us by calling Christine Lennon, Development Officer at 701-221-9349 to learn about giving opportunities. Thank you for your continued prayers throughout these busy and challenging times. May God bless you and your families and keep us all safe!

April 2020 Update
As we celebrate Easter in a way we never have, our North Campus Project is moving ahead at a fantastic pace. These moments, early in the morning while the sun begins to rise and the Earth is still are breathtaking! God is good and we are thankful to all who are helping us make this dream a reality.

March 2020 Update
Our world has been turned upside down with the COVID-19 Pandemic. As we do our best to keep the Hillview Campus running smoothly and safely, the team at Roers keeps busy at the North Campus. Unprecedented times have asked us all to do more than we ever thought possible. We are incredibly proud of all our team members and partners who have stepped up these past few weeks and pray for their continued health and safety as we continue working through this pandemic together.
“I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” (NIV, Philippians 4:13)
Thank you all for your prayers, letters, and messages. It means the world to all who live and work at Missouri Slope!

February 2020 Update
The North Campus Project is covered in a beautiful blanket of snow with the early morning glow of lights across the city of Bismarck. God grants us beautiful moments such as this as well as all the time we get to share with our residents and tenants each day. We are so grateful and our lives are forever enriched by the connections we have here at Missouri Slope. God bless you today and thank you for your prayers!

January 2020 Update
We have started going vertical with our building! Despite the frigid weather, the great team at Roers has rallied the troops and construction continues at an exciting pace. Our Capital Campaign Committee continues to meet and are working to launch in early March. Happy New Year!

December 2019 Update
Despite the wet and cold weather, construction continues at the North Campus! We actually had a beautiful day to capture a panoramic image of our progress. The north west and south west wing’s foundation walls are being poured and digging continues for the rest of the building. We are thankful to all the great people at Roers Companies who are putting in long hours to try and get caught up. Please be sure to connect with us on social media to learn even more about our wonderful organization. God bless you and Merry Christmas!

November 2019 Update
After the successful groundbreaking ceremony in October, construction has continued. The first basement (pictured) has been dug, and concrete is being poured. We are so thankful to the supporters who have already committed to our project with a gift to the capital campaign! Gifts can be now be made both in cash/check and by credit card via our online donation page.

October 2019 Update
Construction has begun on the North Campus Project – Phase 1 Skilled Nursing Facility and Town Center. An official Groundbreaking Ceremony will take place October 16, 2019 at 10:00am at the North Campus at 4916 North Washington St., Bismarck, ND, 58503. Our Capital Campaign committee has been initiated and planning has begun to raise $10 million for the project. Naming rights will be available for several areas of the building/campus. Please contact Reier Thompson, President/CEO at 701-223-9407 or reier.thompson@mslcc.com for more information.
June 2019 Update
This month we have started our feasibility study for our Capital Campaign. We have hired the consulting firm Gronlund, Sayther, Brunkow to assist us in developing the strategy. Please feel free to reach out if you want to be involved or learn more about the next steps. We continue to ask for your prayers to guide us through this project over the weeks, months, and years ahead!
We need your advice and counsel regarding an exciting plan to strengthen our ability to serve our elderly and their families for whom we intend to provide the best in care.
MAY 2019 Update
Missouri Slope has selected Dougherty & Company LLC to lead the financing portion of our North Campus Project. Our approach includes developing tax-exempt bonds that will give us the capital necessary to construct our dream campus. It is important for us to allow as much local participation as possible. Dougherty will be leading community meetings to discuss those details.
While working through the financing, our initial plans have been turned into the Health Department and City of Bismarck for permitting and review. We are excited to be at this stage of development and things are progressing along nicely. Additional community meetings will be planned to review the status of the project and allow for discussion.
We ask your prayers to guide us through the many moving parts of this project. Prayers to keep the team members involved with the project healthy and focused. Prayers for the residents, tenants, and employees of Missouri Slope!
August 31, 2018 – Updates
Missouri Slope has conducted a series of 8 Stakeholder meetings with Staff, Residents, Tenants, Family Members, Corporate Members, Neighbors/Community Members, and Board Members.
Our design features four buildings: Skilled Nursing, Basic care, Independent Living, and a Town Center. Our next steps include working with our accountant and finance teams. We hope to have additional information on the financing packages,including an eventual Request For Proposal, in the near future. Please check back for further updates.