Capital Campaign
The Missouri Slope Lutheran Care Center Foundation has set an ambitious goal of raising $10 million during its Capital Campaign. The money will be used to complete the vision of the North Campus Project as many of the important features and amenities are not able to be funded through the loans and reimbursement system.
Gifts to our Foundation are tax deductible and we offer a number of options for giving:
Please contact Missouri Slope at 701-223-9407 for more information on any of our giving options.
Online giving is fast, easy and secure on Simply click the “Donate” button to choose your donation amount and the fund you would like to support. You can also set the timeframe and frequency of your donation. It can be a one time donation or an automatic monthly gift. Even a small monthly donation can make a large difference to those we serve.
Typically, Missouri Slope sponsors special events including the “Senior of the Year Banquet,” Giving Hearts Day, blood drives, Assisted Living Week, Grandparents Day, Halloween Trick or Treating, Christmas Giving Trees and the Hillview Cup. Watch for announcements on our Facebook page and help us raise and match funds to enrich the lives of our residents and tenants!
Gifts to the Missouri Slope Lutheran Care Center Foundation Tax Credit Endowment may qualify for a state tax credit in North Dakota. Funding of the endowment enables us to look to the future with increased confidence as we continue to fulfill our vital mission. Please contact your tax advisor for advice specific to your situation.
Missouri Slope Lutheran Care Center Foundation (EIN: 36-3589734)
M-Club is an organization of friends, families and churches who sponsor projects to enhance the lives of Missouri Slope residents and tenants. The M-Club Committee, made up of representatives from member churches, meets three times per year to allocate donated funds for projects that make a difference to those who live and work at Missouri Slope. M-Club projects have included the purchase of iPads for resident and family communication, aquariums, supplies for activities, furniture for the assisted living foyer, training equipment, and dining room and tray flowers.
Missouri Slope is proud to participate in Giving Hearts Day, a 24-hour fundraising event for charities in North Dakota and northwest Minnesota. Each year in February, Giving Hearts Day provides a platform for charities to fund their missions through an ever-increasing community of donors. Generous donors contribute matching gifts so that donations made on Giving Hearts Day are instantly doubled.
Missouri Slope is enrolled in Thrivent’s Choice Dollars charitable funding program. Eligible Thrivent members can direct Thrivent’s charitable giving money by making easy online personal donations to Missouri Slope. Form a volunteer Thrivent Action Team and brainstorm ways to make a difference at Missouri Slope! Thrivent members can apply to receive funding and t-shirts for service projects, fundraisers, and educational events.
The Foundation exists to enrich the lives of our residents, tenants and staff by raising funds that are crucial to provide a quality experience and assure the long term sustainability of Missouri Slope. We are grateful for Planned Gifts that designate a portion of a donor’s estate as a donation to Missouri Slope. Consult with your legal and tax counsel for advice on leaving a charitable bequest to the Missouri Slope Lutheran Care Center Foundation. We depend on outright gifts and unconditional bequests to that we can faithfully serve our residents and staff.
We gratefully accept gifts in honor or in memory of loved ones. These gifts may be directed to the M-Club to cover the cost of projects and equipment that enhance the living experience of residents and tenants, to the Capital Campaign (naming, memorial and tribute opportunities are available) or to the General (Annual) Fund to be used where most needed at Missouri Slope. In addition to sending you a receipt, if possible, we will notify the person honored or the family of the person memorialized through your gift.
As soon as you walk through the door, you’ll feel welcome at Missouri Slope. Our helpful staff goes above and beyond to care for patients and their loved ones. You’ll appreciate our:
Get Quality Care in a Relaxing Environment
Tour our skilled nursing facility in Bismarck, ND
You don’t want to place your loved ones in just anyone’s hands. Instead, you’re looking for a skilled nursing facility to provide compassionate elderly care. You don’t need to search far and wide to find a reputable nursing home-just turn to Missouri Slope. We treat the residents at our nursing home in Bismarck, ND like family, so you can rest easy knowing your loved ones will be in good hands.
Go to the Long-Term Care page now to learn more about our services.
You can rely on us for more than just elderly care
Do you think that Missouri Slope is nothing more than a skilled nursing facility in Bismarck, ND? Think again. In addition to elderly care, our knowledgeable professionals provide rehabilitation therapy. Check out the Rehabilitation page now for details about our programs.